Featured episode: https://www.americaoutloud.news/hb73-ensures-healthcare-is-focused-on-the-patient-and-doctor-without-interference-from-bureaucrats/
HB73 Ensures Healthcare Is Focused on the Patient and Doctor Without Interference From Bureaucrats
This bill does a LOT of good with no real downside. It simply allows patients to work with their doctors without interference or risk to the hospitals in which they are treated. It is a great compromise that protects all parties, expands the rights of everyone, and ensures healthcare is focused on the patient and the doctor without interference from bureaucrats.
Today we are joined by two incredible guests, Ohio Rep Jennifer Gross and Stephanie Stock, the President of Ohio Advocates for Freedom (OAMF), to discuss their work on HB73. Rep Jennifer Gross is a Mom, a vet, and a fighter. She and I began our work together on our fight to end the emergency powers during lockdowns. She’s an actual patriot, not a RINO, and a true patriot politician, and I’m honored to call her a friend.
Stephanie Stock is a patriot powerhouse here in Ohio and does amazing things with OAMF. She’s a fearless warrior and has been a huge help to me on many things over the past several years. We have a lot of great groups doing great things; while I support many groups, I have to commend OAMF for being one of the best out there.
I have been working with these two incredible women on the language of this bill and believe it is good. The bill is 8 pages long (you can see it here) and is an easy read. OAMF has provided these bullet points, which do a good job of summarizing. This legislation:
> Protects against licensing boards and Ohio state and local health departments pursuing a disciplinary action against a prescriber, hospital or skilled nursing facility, for prescribing an off-label drug, or a pharmacist who dispenses it, unless there is gross negligence.
> Says patients are not required to be tested or screened for or exposed to a particular disease, illness, or infection in order to get the off-label prescription from their prescriber filled for home or prophylactic use.
> Requires a pharmacist, hospital, or inpatient facility to dispense the prescribed off-label drug, unless there is a religious/ethical objection or a life-threatening contraindication.
> This legislation does NOT in any way prevent conversations regarding drug concerns between pharmacists and prescribers
> In cases where a pharmacist, hospital, or inpatient facility has to fill a prescription that they are not religiously opposed to, and there is no life-threatening reason not to give it, but they have a good faith scientific objection to filling the drug prescribed by the doctor…. then the pharmacist, hospital or inpatient facility is immune from any harm that may come from the use of the drug, so long as the objection is documented in the patient’s record and also submitted by the pharmacist to the Board of Pharmacy or by the hospital or inpatient facility to the Ohio Department of Health. This provides documentation for lawyers to reference to see if immunity is in place for a particular off label drug when a patient or entity is considering a suit.
> In cases where the hospital or inpatient facility doesn’t have the drug in stock, they have to attempt to locate it and offer to let the patient pay for it up front, out of pocket. If the hospital or facility cannot get the prescription, and the patient either has an outpatient pharmacy where they can get it, or they have it at home, then the hospital or inpatient facility must allow them to bring it to be identified by the in-house pharmacist as being the drug prescribed, properly labeled and not expired, so it can be given to the patient.
> If a patient is too sick to safely transfer out of a hospital and there is NO prescriber in the hospital or inpatient facility that is willing to prescribe a particular off label drug that the patient wants and that patient has an outpatient doctor willing to prescribe, then the hospital will have a prompt team meeting with that doctor to review all meds and treatments and start the application process for “temporary privileges” with oversight so the outpatient provider can participate in patient’s care regarding the specific off label drug being prescribed. The hospital or inpatient facility, as well as their pharmacist and the doctor in charge of the patients care, will be granted liability immunity for any harm from the specific drug that the patient and outpatient doctor are using as treatment during the remainder of the patients’ time in that facility. The temporary privileges will remain instated until the patient is able to safely transfer to a hospital facility where their outpatient physician is credentialed.
> Ensures a hospital or inpatient facility does not deny nutrition or fluids to a patient except for brief cases where the patient is consenting to a procedure or test requiring nothing by mouth and in cases where it is part of their end-of-life health directive. This happened numerous times during COVID damaging the health of many patients.
> FREE SPEECH: Prohibits disciplinary action against ANY licensed health care professional for expressing a medical opinion that does not align with those of the licensing board, a local board of health, or the Ohio Department of Health.
> FEDERAL DRUG BAN PROTECTION: Prohibits a political subdivision, public official, or state agency from enforcing any rule or order issued by a federal agency that prohibits the use of an off-label drug.
The next step is for this bill to go to the Ohio Senate, and we are hoping that Senate Leader Matt Huffman will refer it to committee prior to recess (this should not be an issue in light of the fact that we know what committee it goes to and it is receiving HUGE bi-partisan support). Since this legislation has been thoroughly reviewed and was supported by so many Republicans AND even some Democrats, this should be a slam-dunk and a HUGE win for the people of Ohio… as I said – on this issue of protecting patient rights – I think we have found something even Governor DeWine and I can come together on.
Follow Rep Jennifer Gross at: https://www.ohiohouse.gov/members/jennifer-gross and @JenniferForRep on socials.
Follow Stephanie Stock, President of Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom, at: https://www.ohioamf.org/ and @OAMFStephanie @OhioAMF on socials.
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Renz in the News:
Attorney Tom Renz has dedicated his life to exposing and FIGHTING the unadulterated evil which now surrounds us from all sides in the United States. And I have to tell you frankly friends, as an American who has been to Mexico several times recently, including NOW as I write this to you from Huatulco, Mexico - it is a kinder, healthier and in many ways freer place to be. More on that in the future. May God bless and protect the truth tellers and warriors.