Since I started the freedom fight I have done my best to give glory to God and remember the reason for the success we are having against our enemies. The fight has been difficult, but during the toughest times I’ve found God carrying me despite my many shortcomings (I’m not perfect but the big man’s forgiveness is - which is where the focus should be). All that said, the thing about the fight is that it IS a fight and if I’ve earned any favor in the eyes of God or man it is simply because I’ve been willing to fight it, and that is the point of this article.
As Christians we are taught to be meek and seek peace, to turn the other cheek, to treat others as we would want to be treated. We are also taught to pray and trust in God. These are universal truths and the things we must honor but I see them constantly misapplied.
Being meek and seeking peace are NOT the same as being spineless or unwilling to stand - especially for God’s will. We are to be meek before God but by no means should we be meek nor should we seek peace with evil. Doing so is enabling evil to succeed and completely ungodly. God does not want us to seek conflict but when evil attacks we are not to meekly fold and follow those evil mandates. Rather, we are obliged to stand strong for God’s will. Evil may attack but Christianity does not allow you to accept or participate in evil ever - even if it costs you. Remember - meek is NOT equal to cowardly and if fighting for principle is necessary we are obligated to forgo peace to follow God’s word (note - I’m not speaking of violence but rather the willingness to stand on principle).
This is where turning the other cheek comes into play. Sins against us as individuals can and should be forgiven but when evil seeks to destroy you then you must defend yourself. We live in a fallen world (sadly) and there are people that seek to destroy the will of God and his creation. This is unacceptable on all levels and we are not asked to turn the other cheek when evil seeks to destroy us.
I also think we have failed to understand treating others as we would want to be treated. Christians seem to conflate this and the concept of being meek or turning the other cheek. We all want to be forgiven for our sins and so we should forgive those that sin and repent. That said, if an evil person sins against an innocent and you do not intervene you are treating the evil person with respect and failing to protect the innocent. I would argue this is both cowardice and sin. In a fallen world there are evil people that seek to destroy the innocent without remorse and we should seek to defend the week and innocent when this happens… if we are truly meek wouldn’t we want treated that way?
Evil exists and the Bible does not teach us to hide or cower from it. We are not taught to turn away from evil nor are we expected to give in to it. Rather, we are taught to protect the week, to stand strong against evil, and to fight the righteous fight. I’m not a biblical scholar but it seems far more sinful to stand aside and allow evil to occur - particularly to the weak and innocent - than to stand against it.
One last point. I pray daily or more. I believe God hears me and answers prayers. That said, a number of my brother and sister Christians seem to be sitting on the sidelines as the continued fight against evil rages around them praying and (presumably) waiting for the rapture. The good book says we should be aware and ensure that we (the servants) are not asleep when the master comes home. I hope everyone prays and believe all of us should eagerly await the coming of Christ but think the idea of watching the warriors fight while sitting it out waiting is not compatible with our charge as Christians.
In a perfect world none of this matters. We don’t live in a perfect world. Rather we live in a fallen world where evil seeks to divide and destroy us. The question I ask my brother and sister Christians is this, do you believe Jesus would want you to sit aside and wait when your fellow Christians are being relentlessly attacked or led to sin by evil?
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