Last legislative session in Missouri my friend/co-worker Holly Jones introduced HB1169. House Bill 1169 was a very simple 2 page bill that required disclosure if any food had any gene modifying technology (any gene therapy product would have been covered including modRNA, saRNA, etc.) as well as allowing people to find out about the transmissibility of such products. One would think this simple bill would have been easily passed in a very red state like Missouri but the RINOs and Democrats joined forces to stand for the lobbyists and against the will of the people (despite record levels of support from people all over the state that actually shut down the phones at the state house several times). The why on this is important but the lies these people and the lobbyists told were unforgivable and need to be addressed as we move into the next sessions around the country where a number of states will now be considering similar legislation.
So why was this bill opposed? That question was one that the RINOs and Dems did not really want to talk about. The best they seemed to come up with was that it would be hard on farmers and kill business. That is simply absurd. Farmers have been farming for literally thousands of years without modRNA and other gene therapies so the idea that it would hurt business if they had to disclose its use is ridiculous. Further, the same lobbyist crooks that said it would be far too hard on farmers to disclose that they had started using gene therapy drugs that had the potential to transmit into people on their animals also said that no one was using these products anyways. Well - if no one is using the products why would it be a burden to disclose?
The reality is that these products are already in use in the United States and most farmers and ranchers don’t even realize it. Further, the lobbyists opposing the simple disclosure bill that was HB1169 were really doing so because their big pharma sponsors plan to expand these products exponentially. Disclosure would give people an option to buy food that would not have gene altering drugs in it and these guys knew that no one would buy their poison knowingly.
The most important issue to understand is how this ties into the big pharma dream of putting their gene altering modRNA tech into everything. I recently posted an article where I showed Pfizer admitting that they and the federal government have been lying to the people of America since the day the vaccines rolled onto the market. In that article (see below) I explain that mRNA is well understood to be messenger RNA but these crooks actually sold modRNA which is more durable and behaves differently in the body.
MRNA & Why It Matters
This article is pretty science heavy so at this point I also want to acknowledge two additional points. First, I am not a Peter McCullough/Harvey Risch type scientist. I am a lawyer with some science background. That means that I am not the guy that will be creating science, but to do my job as an attorney litigating in this …
The “vaccines” for animals are now being modified and, in the near future, nearly all will be gene therapy technologies that are variations of RNA and/or DNA tech. Because many of these technologies are designed to be more durable and function differently than the “natural mRNA” the producers keep claiming they include they may alter the genetics of the animal they are used on and will also have the potential to transmit to someone ingesting that animal. We do not know what will happen to a person that ingests any of these gene therapy drugs in a second hand fashion but to suggest that is cannot happen is an outright lie (see my previous Substacks on transmissible vaccines in the food supply).
In light of all of this you may say, “Hey, if vaccinating these animals could impact my health or alter my genetics wouldn’t they have to give me informed consent?” The answer is no. The reason is simple, the position of the crooks involved is that this won’t happen and the bought and paid for scientists behind this like to claim it cannot happen. This will be good enough for our crooked federal government so they simply will not do any studies that will provide accurate information on this issue or manipulate the studies that they do allow.
If like me, you have lost faith in the people that have not stopped lying about everything COVID and COVID vaccines for the past 3-4 years then you might think, “it’s okay… I’ll just buy organic food.” That won’t help either. 7 CFR § 205.603 - is titled: Synthetic substances allowed for use in organic livestock production. This section states in relevant part:
In accordance with restrictions specified in this section the following synthetic substances may be used in organic livestock production:
(4) Biologics—Vaccines
This means that unsuspecting farmers/ranchers can be tricked by these crooks into putting this gene modifying technology into food labeled organic. It means that you will have no way of knowing what you are eating. It means that if these poisons literally modify the genetics of the animals they are injected into those animals can still be called organic. It means that, while they are lying about EVERYTHING else, you are supposed to TRUST that they are not lying about the fact that these poisons can be transmitted to you and your children and potentially alter YOUR genetics as well.
Since last legislative session the RINOs on the committee that sold the people of Missouri and America out have been treated to numerous “events” and other lavish opportunities by the lobbyists that bought them. These same lobbyists have told the House leadership and many others that if this bill is reintroduced this session it will NOT be assigned a bill number and will NOT be sent to committee. The same tactics are being used in a number of other states because if this passes in one state it will provide truth for the entire country. The question I have is whether we the people will stand by again or whether we will tell the RINOs and Dems we DEMAND transparency and that we be given the opportunity to protect our children from these poisons that have causes so many deaths when given in the form of the COVID vaccines.
BTW - if you’d like some beef that is not poisoned we are promoting Whole Cows at
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