One of the most common replies to my threads on social media is “when are the class actions getting filed?” My personal and immediate response is not soon enough but I think that requires some explanation. As an attorney and as someone that has been fighting in this fight from the beginning, I hope I’ve shown that I’m neither afraid of the work nor the risk that goes into filing big and scary lawsuits. Our suits have had a lot of impact and I’m quite proud of them but why haven’t I gone after big pharma for the jabs? That’s what I want to talk about here.
When I started fighting this fight I literally could not find another attorney on the planet doing anything. Soon thereafter I met my friend Bob Gargasz - a warrior of an attorney that was as grumpy about our rights being stomped on as I was. From there my friends Ana Garner, Mike Hamilton, Ron Jenkins, Larry Becraft, Joey Gilbert and others joined the fight. Today, there are quite a few attorneys nationally fighting on COVID related issues - though still nowhere near enough. That said, I do believe there are plenty of warriors ready to fight so that is not the problem with the case.
The federal and state governments have worked hard to protect big pharma (and themselves) from the lawsuits that need filed. They have the PREP Act, the CARES Act, governmental immunity laws, and many other obstacles that make these cases extremely difficult. That said, I believe there is enough evidence of some very specific crimes that we could file a legitimate and good-faith lawsuit against the criminals behind these death jabs. So immunity is also not the problem with the case… I’ve found legitimate legal ways around it.
A new and awful (and unethical) development has been the attacks on the licenses of anyone willing to challenge the government narrative on anything. This issue has dominated the election law landscape and has also made its way into the health freedom world. It is not uncommon to see freedom lawyers attacked whenever possible by overzealous judges/attorneys or by random people paid by our enemies to file bogus ethical complaints. While that is an issue, we have continued to fight and if you are careful enough you can generally move forward so this is also not the reason these cases aren’t being filed.
The real reason these cases aren’t being filed is simply money. Litigating against an opponent as big as our federal government and big pharma is daunting in the best of times but doing so without resources is nearly impossible. I’m not grifting here, I’m simply stating a fact. Let me explain.
I have sitting on my shelf a credible case structure I could develop and file that would work around immunity and hold both the government officials and big pharma responsible for their actions if it wins. The case is incredibly complicated and would take me hundreds, if not thousands, of hours to finalize. I have no issue putting that time in and don’t care about being paid for it (though that would be nice). The problem is that once the case is filed, everything would fall apart. Let me explain.
In a case like this, no matter how well you file it, the motion play will be huge. In non-legal terms this means that the people you are suing are going to find anything they can to hold things up, slow things down, dodge the allegations, and get the case dismissed. If you make it to discovery, the discovery will come with a whole new set of fights and also require a TON of time from experts to evaluate. You will then have another major series of motions to dismiss prior to trial looking for summary judgement and related to the upcoming trial. Understand that all of these actions require time and are on very strict deadlines.
Then you get to the trial itself. During the trial you will have to be ready for additional motion-play and be prepared to question and cross-examine a TON of highly credible experts. This is no small feat. The preparation is very tough and you have to know EVERYTHING about your case inside and out. This means a full understanding of all of the incredibly complex facts plus a TON of nuanced law. You will find issues coming up that you would never have guessed could exist and have to be ready to deal with them with nearly no notice.
Most of these issues are common to any major litigation and it is not something a good lawyer cannot handle. The thing is that the only way a good lawyer can handle this effectively is to have a great team behind him or her. The deadlines and preparation for both the motion-play and a trial like this cannot be done by a single attorney. It is literally impossible and THAT is the reason I have not filed these cases.
For me to file a case like this without the proper resources or support would be a violation of the rules of ethics. These rules require that an attorney filing a case must be able to manage that case effectively. For me to file that case without a team to ensure all the work can be done effectively and by the deadlines that we will face would violate that duty. In other words - if I cannot pay a team to back me up on this case I cannot file it. Incidentally this same principle applies to a number of other cases that could be filed on issues such as global warming, election fraud, the southern border, etc.
Let me break this down plainly. A case like this would require about 5-8 lawyers nearly full-time for 3-5 years to do well. The legal and factual research, work with experts, and time on motion-play and discovery would be immense. You would also need 2-3 paralegals to help with filing and keeping the case organized. Along with that you would need some very high level experts in various scientific fields. Here’s what the costs would look like in my opinion:
5 lawyers full time cost to employ (including insurance, taxes, etc) = conservatively $200K each per year so $1 million per year.
Decent paralegals run approximately $80-100K per year to employ = conservatively $160K per year.
Experts like you would need in this case are quite expensive. My estimate is that anything less than $500k-$1 million for experts on a case like this would be tough.
Litigation costs and travel over the course of a case like this would likely approach $500K
I would expect the case to run 3-5 years but would want to budget for at least 5 in light of the appeals necessary.
This means that the total cost to properly file a case like I would envision against those responsible for the jab would be (conservatively) $5 million + $800K + $500K + $500K = $6.8 million.
George Soros and the globalists billionaire crew spend this all the time but we simply do not have that money on our side. I cannot and will not violate the rules of ethics by filing a case in an unethical way so unless someone finds a way to fund it there’s nothing I can do. In light of the fact that, realistically, this number is conservative I’m not holding my breath that the money will become available unless I can earn it elsewhere and then spend my own (which I will happily do if I have it). Also, to be clear, my above analysis includes me working on this full-time for the duration of the case and I really did not include pay for that.
Until we get into a position to do this I will continue fighting with ever available resource I have. I will continue fighting for legislation, filing smaller cases that chip away at the corruption, and push to find ways to make enough money to get this funded. I’ve promised God I would fight this until I win or he tells me to stop so that means I will do it from a cardboard box under a bridge embankment if I have to but understand that the problem is NOT that we cannot do anything about the situation, rather the problem is we do not have the resources to fight this properly because the billionaires won’t fund a fight against themselves and we the people do not even realize it’s possible.
If you do want to help - a million people giving 5 dollars a month would solve the problem but I cannot seem to find a way to make that happen. Feel free to support our GiveSendGo at or support us and our sponsors at (you can also subscribe to and share this Substack). I know how tough things are for we the people right now so please know that regardless of whether you can support us, you can always pray for us and share our work.