Yesterday in a virtually unprecedented move Kevin McCarthy was removed as speaker of the House. A small handful of GOP reps that actually care about the Republican base determined that McCarthy’s war on America first and Republican ideals had gone so far that they were willing to risk the wrath of party leadership to say enough. While the GOP is still a disaster at best, this is one of the best signs of hope our republic has seen in recent years.
So why was KM removed from his role and what does it mean? There were many reasons but let’s start with the promises he broke that allowed him to become speaker:
To role back IRS funding - NO ONE wants 87,000 new IRS agents to harass low and middle class Americans (they will not affect the billionaire class). McCarthy has failed to do anything about this despite having perfect opportunities to do so in the debt ceiling negotiations and the temporary funding bill he just pushed through for the democrats.
Removing some Dems from some Committees - he did some of this but not enough. Frankly his actions here were weak in my opinion. On a related note he has done nothing to fix the damage from the J6 Committee.
Investigate/Impeach Mayorkas for the Southern Border Calamity: We have had a bunch of meaningless investigations led by people you can count on to dodge real issues and do nothing but talk about their findings (COVID committee anyone?). That said we have more than enough info for impeachment proceedings against Mayorkas, Garland, Biden, and others yet we have barely been able to get an inquiry moving against the Big Guy himself.
Create a Select Committee on China: this was about dealing with the Chinese war on America. We the people are tired of military aged Chinese men streaming through the souther border, the absurd trade imbalances, the massive level of espionage, and the Chinese influence over most of our elected officials. What real changes have you seen to any this since KM took the speaker seat?
Ending Proxy Voting: Congrats - he did this.
To push bills focused on “culture issues” - McCarthy had plenty of opportunity to end the trans/sexualization of our kids that is occurring in the schools and doing so would have been popular across the board. He could have also protected our military from being an absurd experiment in wokism. All he had to do was to negotiate it as part of the debt ceiling or funding resolutions. He didn’t nor would he take any real actions in the future.
Ultimately McCarthy has acted almost exactly like McConnell but has the disadvantage of having several House members that actually have spines (compare this to the Senate). That may seem like a strong statement but nearly 80 million people went out and voted for Trump and his America first agenda last election so taking a stand on these issues that are so dear to so many should not be difficult, rather, it simply requires the courage to not sell out. Further, remember that according to the GOP party platform Trump is still the man and these guys are supposed to be supporting his agenda… not undermining him at every turn.
What this will mean is yet to be determined. The patriots in the House now have a real fight on their hands to ensure the new Speaker is not a sellout (good luck finding one). That said, these guys have now shown that they will actually stand for what they were elected to do so nothing is impossible. Ultimately it will come down to whether the rest of the GOP is willing to sell out to the Democrats to elect a RINO or whether they will stand with their base.
If the GOP were to elect a new Speaker over the objections of the patriots it would destroy the party and I would likely begin work with everyone I could find to look into the possibility of starting/supporting a viable third party. People like me would begin a push to defund all GOP related activities and we would be forced to recognize that the GOP is actually an enemy of the base.
Despite the massive disruption this is causing, I view this entire thing as good. I’d rather know my enemies than have to look over my shoulder and they are becoming clear. The Republicans - the people and the base - support America first policies, freedom for all, and positive economic policy for OUR country. The GOP has sold out to one-world-government and Anti-American globalists (not to mention the CCP). This move was a big win for anyone that likes America and for the Republican voters… even if or perhaps especially in light of the fact that it was a disaster for the sell-outs running the party.
Thank you Matt Gaetz and you other America first Republicans that stood for we the people.
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