I want to open this article by acknowledging that the only response I’m likely to get from any highly placed politicians is a behind-the-scenes push to censor me even more than I already am. So to that extent I hope this article is shared and distributed widely and I give my permission to republish it in its entirety to anyone willing (just keep my plug at the top). It seems to never make me popular with the powers that be when I tell the truth but the truth MUST be shared and it isn’t.
For almost a year now the United States has been printing money and sending it to Ukraine. We do not have any money so the money we are printing is deficit spending that we the people have to pay back. If Ukraine were a real ally of the US or if there were a legitimate strategic value to protecting them then perhaps the public could get behind the effort but to this day no one has been able to clearly explain why we have sent over $100 billion to these guys. We hear NATO this and Russia that but absolutely no legitimate reason for supporting this nation has been shared other than perhaps whatever blackmail info they have on the Biden crime family.
I can support humanitarian efforts so I suppose the idea of helping anyone at war does resonate with me on some level but, and this is a BIG but, I cannot get behind supporting a nation that supports Nazis. The Nazi problem in Ukraine is well documented and beyond dispute. Here are a few mainstream articles mentioning it:
Naturally these articles downplay the issue but at the end of the day, our government, led by a rarely unified group of people including Biden, McConnell, the NeoCons, and the Dems are die-hard about supporting a nation that has not only tolerated but actually openly supported Nazis. Think about that – Nazis. Remember when a few lunatics (that in light of J6 we should probably ask who paid to be there) showed up at Trump’s South Carolina rally and the entirety of the mainstream media and ADL destroyed him for not denouncing EVERYONE at the rally? Hypocrisy anyone? Here’s a few reminders:
Anything Nazi makes me sick and so to does anything that is based on hatred for my fellow man. All people have the right to live freely and in peace and that peace has been under attack in Israel since it was reestablished after World War II. In the latest horror we see monsters from Hamas literally targeting women and children, using human shields, and simply murdering innocents. While the idea of “innocent” Palestinians suffering due to Israel exercising its absolute obligation to defend it’s people resonates with many we also have to recognize that the people of Gaza are tolerating teaching hate – even to children (see https://time.com/6323178/antisemitism-israel-gaza-attack-essay/ and https://cbnisrael.org/2023/07/27/how-palestinian-leaders-use-hate-and-their-own-children-against-israel/ for examples). Until the people of Gaza eliminate this nonsense there simply cannot be peace nor can I or any sane person expect Israel to negotiate in good faith with people that will lie and kill them.
This is where the story gets interesting. The Dems are somewhat split on Israel and Hamas. Some are very consistent in their anti-Semitism by supporting both Ukrainian Nazis AND Hamas/Gaza. Others are aligned with [bizarrely] with the neo-con RINOs in standing for nothing but the lobbyists that want war everywhere. It should go without saying that anyone that would support Hamas killing innocent women and children is absolute trash and not worth my commentary but the hypocrites do deserve commentary because no one in the mainstream will talk about them.
Joe Biden is the most corrupt president in American history. He literally stands for nothing that does not result in 10% for the big guy but how is this any different from Mitch McConnell or any of the other neo-cons that are supporting Nazis in Ukraine and now calling for the US to create world war 3 in Israel? The split between Republican sellouts and those that actually stand for things is so massive that it was one of the most prolific but understated reasons for the House Speaker debacle we have been dealing with (here’s commentary: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ukraine-war-house-speaker/).
I absolutely support the people of Israel and their right to defend themselves. I am personally sickened by anyone supporting the nation of Ukraine because they support Nazis. These are very straight forward and consistent positions. I am calling on Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden, McCarthy, and the other neo-cons and Dems playing both sides to explain to the American public how it is that they can support Nazis in Ukraine while claiming Hamas is evil (they are but this is not consistent). If someone can explain that to me perhaps I’ll change my position but I don’t find that likely.
One last question. Where is the ADL? The ADL is supposed to stand against anti-Semitism which makes me WANT to support them. I don’t. Here’s what the ADL says about the Russia/Ukraine nonsense: https://www.adl.org/ukraine-crisis. Since I’m going to make everyone mad at me I would also like the ADL to explain why they are playing both sides of this fight in the same way as Biden, McConnell and the rest. I provided very mainstream links talking about what EVERYONE knows to be true – Ukraine allows and appears to openly support Nazis – so I ask the ADL… are you dedicated to politics or are you dedicated to eradicating anti-Semitism? If it’s the latter I support you, if it’s the former you are truly the worst kind of hypocrites.
BTW – I am neither personally nor professionally suicidal… I just like the truth and am tired of cowards that are too afraid to speak it. Freedom for ALL or bust.
Tom Renz is an attorney, author and political analyst. You can find his latest book modRNA: Why It Matters and Other Essays on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other places. Support his fight by supporting his sponsors at https://tomrenz.com/sponsors/ or at www.givesendgo.com/RenzLaw.
(Photo by Mert Kahveci on Unsplash)