I thought the title of this article was creative, but you may be asking yourself, what the heck is Renz talking about? Well, this is a bit of a personal perspective that I think is critical to understanding my messed up perspective on fighting for freedom. I’m not sure if anyone will care about this article but with all the bad, I think it’s important going into the Christmas season to think about something good.
Let me begin with this. I believe in Santa Claus. Not only do I believe in Santa, I love Santa and wish I could be him. For anyone that follows my work you know that I love kids and for anyone that knows me you know that I probably stopped maturing at around the age of 10 and simply never stopped believing. Granted, I don’t expect any fat guys to break into my house on Christmas through the chimney and if any did I’d probably shoot them but to believe is always a choice and it’s a choice I try to make. I CHOOSE to believe in Santa because it makes my world a little bit brighter to believe in the spirit of giving without any expectation of return and for no reason other than to bring joy.
Understand that as a warrior I will fight anyone or anything for justice but on a personal level it pains me on some levels to know that so much of my role is to destroy. Make no mistake, I recognize that sometimes you have no choice but to shoot Ol’ Yeller but only a sadistic monster would feel anything but terrible about doing so. In many ways my work has many parallels to that movie/book. I find bad guys or sometimes people that are simply doing wrong and then have to do whatever is necessary (within the boundaries of ethics) to stop or destroy them. I always feel good about justice but never feel great about the destruction.
Believing in Santa allows me to believe that there is something pure I’m fighting for. The purity of spirit our children possess, the kindness and goodness that so many adults have lost, the spirit of love and giving that Santa and Christmas represent. At the same time, my belief in those things also fuels the fire in my soul that drives me to fight. As I see the attacks on our children, the attempts to poison them, the attempts to sexualize them, and the attempts to destroy their innocence, I feel a true and righteous sense of anger that is so undeniable that I simply do not possess the capacity not to fight.
Santa is under attack. He is under attack every single time a child is exposed to pornography in school. He is under attack every time a predator attempts to manipulate a child into using drugs. He is under attack every time a child is told they should decide about their gender or sexuality. And he is under attack every time we deny our children the opportunity to be children by exposing them to issues/media/social media that forces them to deal with things that they cannot possibly have the capacity to deal with. This IS the real reason I fight.
No matter how powerful or wealthy a person is, there is only one true legacy we can leave on this planet and that is our children and the world we leave them. We are failing them. The world we are leaving our kids is far worse than it was when we came into it and far less free. This is unacceptable and simply NOT something we can accept. We all MUST fight for freedom, for our kids, and for Santa Claus.
On a very personal level, the past three and a half years have been very difficult. The non-stop fight has taken a toll and I find myself having a harder time believing in Santa this year than perhaps any other year in my life. I’ve seen so many deaths, so much evil, and experienced so many difficult things. The people I could not save from hospitals haunt my dreams. Every time I find another school perverting kids and cannot make enough hours in the day or find the resources to file another lawsuit it hurts. My wife’s cancer, my children missing me while I run around the country fighting, the number of times I’ve failed my closest friends, the personal and financial toll it takes… all these things have made it tough to hear the bell this year (referencing the Polar Express movie that I love). But perhaps all that is why I, and all the rest of us that are giving everything they have for this fight need to double down on believing in Santa.
I don’t pretend to be a good or a wise man but I know I’m going to keep fighting. I know that I don’t have the capacity to let these things go. I know that I’d never hesitate to take a bullet to protect any kid on this planet so I certainly ought to be willing to find the faith to keep fighting. I hope others feel similarly and that we can all try to remember to keep believing in Santa this year or maybe to remember to believe for the first time in a while. Santa is worth fighting for and I pray for the strength to keep up that fight and that many more join me in it.
Purchase my new book modRNA: Why It Matters & Other Essays here: Amazon - https://a.co/d/3uZxYEB Barnes & Nobles - https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/modrna-thomas-renz/1144182070?ean=9781088145364
In modRNA: Why It Matters & Other Essays, Attorney Thomas Renz delivers a wake-up call, exposing the potential catastrophes of introducing untested vaccines and gene therapies into the human food supply. With meticulous research this little book unravels the dark side of tinkering with the building blocks of life. Drawing on expert insights, it's a stark reminder that the consequences of unregulated innovation can be catastrophic.
Tom Renz – Renz is an Attorney, Analyst, and commentator. You can follow his substack at www.TomRenz.SubStack.com and his work generally at www.TomRenz.com.
He also has a GiveSendGo to support his work at https://www.givesendgo.com/RENZLAW.