Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Law & Crime
Tom Renz is a prominent American Attorney, Political Commentator, Educator, Advocate, Businessman & Patriot. Tom has gained international attention for his work challenging pandemic-related policies and vaccine mandates, and advocating for individual liberties, medical freedom, and informed choice. Renz's legal expertise and relentless advocacy have established him as a leading voice in the fight for our Freedoms. Join the movement at
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February 27, 2024
The Jabs ARE Unavoidably Unsafe & MUST Be Removed From the Market Vaccines

"Vaccines are - by admission of the government and the vax manufacturers - unavoidably unsafe. There simply is no better example of unsafe vaccines than the disastrous gene therapy drugs that are the COVID-19 gene therapy poisons that the FDA illegally (IMHO) illegally labeled vaccines. As we look forward we have Project NextGen and Operation Moonshot - expensive Biden-backed projects to put more of these poisons on the market with no recourse for those that are killed or maimed by them.

On another note, it is becoming more and more clear every day that big pharma is working overtime to attack your manhood or womanhood. The Big Pharm war on manhood is everywhere and we cannot overlook the role of antidepressants on it.

We are a nation of 320 million. If 100,000 would give $20 per month we could wage lawfare on a scale never seen. If you give to our GiveSendGo (,or donate monthly to we will use that money to help make that fight happen. For less than the cost of a Starbucks Coffee per week we can fight to change our nation.
Purchase the second 404 book ""CBDCs 404: Central Bank Digital Currency & Other Essays"" here: Amazon

In CBDCs: Central Digital Bank Currency & Other Essays Tom Renz offers a cursory exploration of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), shedding light on their significance in the modern financial landscape. From explaining the general concept to investigating the potential socio-economic impact on readers, this book offers elementary insight into this emerging monetary paradigm.

This little book cautions readers about the potential risks and dangers associated with CBDC implementation including privacy concerns, cybersecurity threats, and the implications of a digital currency system on individual liberties. Readers are guided through thought-provoking essays that critically examine the darker facets of CBDCs in language that could be understood by anyone intrigued by the future of money.

The 404 Series is a series of short books on various topics that are largely complicated and misunderstood. about action and beating censorship. 404 is the internet error for ""site not found"" and references the difficulty of finding true information. The 404 series presents true information concisely and will allow you to articulate the argument clearly as well as take action on specific issues related to the fight for freedom.

Purchase my first 404 book modRNA: Why It Matters & Other Essays here:

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Barnes & Noble -

In modRNA: Why It Matters & Other Essays, Attorney Thomas Renz delivers a wake-up call, exposing the potential catastrophes of introducing untested vaccines and gene therapies into the human food supply. With meticulous research this little book unravels the dark side of tinkering with the building blocks of life. Drawing on expert insights, it's a stark reminder that the consequences of unregulated innovation can be catastrophic.

Tom Renz – Renz is an Attorney, Analyst, and commentator. You can follow his substack at and his work generally at He also has a GiveSendGo to support his work at

Watch The Tom Renz Show LIVE Every Weekday right here on Rumble or on X. You can also hear us Monday through Friday on the America OutLoud Network on IHeart radio.

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Arguments for Halting Covid-19 Vaccines (

'The Outbreak is Coming': China Announces 'Severe' Spike in Covid Cases, Right as U.S. Heads Into Election Season - Becker News

Ronna McDaniel Announces Resignation As RNC Chair | The Daily Caller"

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#Trump #MAGA #Truth

February 14, 2025
Crooked Judges, DOGE & Staying MAHA Healthy

28 USC 455 requires a judge with the appearance of a conflict of interest to recuse him or herself from a case. In light of what we are learning about some of the judges working on DOGE cases this is a real issue... because they don't appear to be doing that. Also in DOGE news - Trump has signed another EO clarifying some of the things DOGE is doing... this will create problems for the corrupt left that keeps lying about it. My friend Christie Hutcherson joins us to discuss. We will also be talking about getting MAHA healthy with my friend Dan Lyons.

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February 13, 2025
Trump Rumored to be Investigating Pritzker & Judicial Activists Against Trump & DOGE

Today we are getting the scoop on Illinois corruption from Terry Newsome. Rumor has it that Pritzker and his crew are going to be investigated by Trump and it is richly deserved. Illinois is a cesspool and it makes me sick to see what has happened to the formerly beautiful city of Chicago. Meanwhile we continue to have more activist judges making wildly inappropriate rulings against the President's policy initiatives. We discuss it all today!

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This checks out with whistleblower info we received from some of the labs in Georgia. It also appears that some of the same individuals involved in COVID may have been involved in this (we have evidence).
The real question is when are we going to start to call it what it is - intentional. These don't look like leaks to me... I've got $5 trillion in motives to back my claim just on COVID.
It's time to start talking about intent.
#Covid #Truth #MAGA

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🚨The complete apparent inaction at the DOJ is getting to be a bit much.
No prosecutions for obstruction in the Epstein files and we can't even get them released.
Corruption at USAID no criminal investigations announce.
Endless corruption being exposed in NGOs funded by billionaires zero prosecutions.
Corruption throughout the Democrat party -
No prosecutions.
As an attorney I understand this can take time but you were hired and accepted the job with absolutely zero question that the American people were going to demand REAL action... not just words and interviews.
There is NOTHING you need to react to protect pedophiles that can properly be called national security - in fact, not publishing the info allows those on the list to remain in power and under control which is GREATER national security risk.

#Truth #MAGA #DOJ

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Epstein Files

It takes time to cover everything up on the pedophiles... I'm sorry I mean redact for national security purposes.
Can ANYONE please tell me how anything involving a sex trafficking blackmail ring has
ANYTHING to do with national security?

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We MUST Pass HB73 To Counter Disease X & the WHO Treaty
The Abortion Argument is an Outright Lie

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On Wednesday of last week I testified in the Ohio Senate in favor a piece of legislation that will be critical to stopping the WHO treaty and Disease X - Ohio HB73 (you can see my full testimony here:

). HB73 was passed through the Ohio House with a huge majority and bipartisan support. The bill prevents hospitals and pharmacists from witholding life-saving medications - as they did during COVID - by requiring that they allow patients access to medications prescribed by their doctors. Now, despite the MASSIVE support for this common sense legislation, it appears that Ohio REPUBLICAN Steve Huffman is lying and pushing this bill as somehow expanding abortion rights.

Let me begin by explaining why this legislation is so critical. During COVID our corrupt federal government incentivized hospitals killing COVID patients. Yes, I said it and - as an attorney - I mean it. When a person went to a hospital during the height of COVID the hospitals received extra money for diagnosing the person with COVID (this is why there were literally zero flu diagnoses for a substantial period of time in the entire country). Once a person was diagnosed with COVID the hospital then received additional money from treating with Remdesivir, more again when the patient was put on assisted breathing, more yet when they were ventilated, and a final big old bonus when the patient died. Instead of offering hospitals more money for patients recovering the “experts” from Washington paid more for dead patients. Then to top this whole murder for hire scheme off, the cesspool that is DC extended legal immunity to these same hospitals from any malpractice, wrongful death, etc. that occurred from “COVID treatments.”

As a result, hospitals blocked patients from access to treatments like Ivermectin and HCQ. While some may attempt to argue that these treatments were unproven it is absolutely inarguable that withholding treatments like Budesonide (at proper dosages and for proper durations) were absolutely useful for pneumonia regardless of the cause of the pneumonia. Further, even if it was unclear whether or not HCQ or Ivermectin were useful (they were), why is it the government or hospital’s business to interfere with a patient receiving a properly prescribed medication that no one could argue would be dangerous in any way? Why wouldn’t pharmacists fill prescriptions for a Nobel prize winning drug that was known to be safe around the world for decades? There were zero valid reasons - it was simply corruption based on the fact that people getting well meant less bonus money from Fauci’s corrupt scheme.

HB73 would stop this and require prescriptions be filled and the patient be able to receive the drugs. This would allow doctors to, with informed consent, innovate if/when the next plandemic hits. The WHO and everyone else has already stated that Disease X is on the way (probably from the gain-of-function work being carried out on American soil now in our many university tied labs still being funded by our corrupt Biden controlled HHS). The innovation would demonstrate effective treatments in Ohio and that would spread all over. This bill actually has the potential to expose another cover up of a similar murder for hire scheme when the next plandemic hits because people would see Ohioans getting better while patients in a WHO or Federally sponsored death scheme keep dying.

So this bill passed the Ohio GOP controlled House with massive bipartisan and grassroots support. Yet in the Senate it appears to have been held up for a long time in committee and now the Republican in charge of that committee has been accused of lying about that bill despite literally hearing testimony from me and others a few days ago demonstrating what he is saying is clearly wrong. Look at this post from OAMF - an Ohio medical freedom group I work with extensively:

Find this tweet at

It appears that the lobbyists for big pharma, the hospitals, and pharmacies are looking for a reason to oppose this bill so they can keep the murder for money gravy train moving. It also appears that certain elected officials and lobby groups are more interested in big money than what Ohioans want or need to stay safe. In a completely dishonest attempt to provide cover for Republicans that are willing to sell out to big money, despite massive GOP grassroots support, these folks are attempting to claim this bill will somehow expand abortion. It won’t in any way. If, in fact, Huffman is working with crooked lobbyists to push this narrative then he - and they - are simply lying about the bill.

My stance on abortion is very clear and well-known; I am 100% right to life. I will never support a pro-abortion bill in any way but I support this bill completely. With that said, let me explain to you why this bill will do NOTHING to expand abortion.

In 2023 Ohio sadly passed Issue 1. Issue 1 is was a Constitutional Amendment that became Article 1 Section 22 of the Ohio Constitution. The entirety of that Amendment is here:

As you can see this Amendment plainly states in Section B that “The State shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against either: 1. An individual’s voluntary exercise of this right or 2. A person or entity that assists an individual in exercising this right…” regarding abortion (continuing one’s own pregnancy). This means that no law in Ohio can be passed that will, in ANY way limit access to abortion or abortion meds without Amending the Constitution further (I would be happy to volunteer my time to assist in that amendment process but it is irrelevant to this bill).

People in Ohio - by the Constitution have the broadest possible access to abortion drugs already and this bill is a statute - NOT a Constitutional Amendment - so it can neither expand or limit the rights laid out in the Constitution. Huffman and the lobbyists know this and I testified to it directly (you can see my full testimony here: 

). There is NO legitimate or good faith argument that this bill will expand access to abortion in any way that does not already exist and anyone telling you otherwise is simply a liar.

This law is one of the most carefully crafted state bills I’ve seen in the country. It provides proper liability protection for doctors, hospitals, and pharmacists while also allowing the right people to be held accountable if they are wreckless in providing treatment. At the same time the bill will allow doctors and patients, with informed consent, to decide what is best for their specific situation instead of corrupt bureaucrats. The real question our politicians need to ask themselves is whether they want the WHO and people like Fauci to decide what’s best for people or their doctors - a question that is especially meaningful for people without the economic means to fight back. Equally importantly to ask is whether a handful of complete RINOs will be able to undermine the credibility of a strong Ohio Republican Party. I guess we will see.

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April 24, 2024
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Trump 2024 - A Snake in the Grass?
The Tom Renz Show ep. 390

If we have another Biden presidency our nation is done. The globalists at the WEF and the enemies of America are using this corrupt POS to infiltrate and destroy our nation. Donald Trump is our best bet moving forward but there are a LOT of people very interested in infiltrating his inner circle and undermining what he's trying to do. To that extent we have some serious questions about Trump's main gatekeeper and the head of his PAC. This person is ideally positioned to cause trouble and is working directly with Pfizer, Gilead, and GAVI. MAGA needs to support the real president by helping watch for infiltrators. 



My Twitter/X posts on Susie Wiles:

BREAKING: Top Trump Advisor is Working for Consulting Company That Also Supports Democrats and is Owned by a Company Tied to WEF: I absolutely support Donald Trump for President but there is a snake in the woodshed. Unless @realDonaldTrump is surrounded by advisors that are selling out I cannot explain his support for Johnson and other RINOs. @SpeakerJohnson is a sellout and Trump’s continued support for #RINOs that will absolutely throw him under the bus is beyond my comprehension. Of course when his top advisors are partners in companies that represent Pfizer, Gilead & GAVI in a company owned by the #WEF I can see why he’d be getting bad advice. Maybe people like Suzy should not be advising the President on what the #Trump2024 crowd wants… just saying but mRNA fans usually are sellouts. We the People MUST help Trump watch for sellouts… maybe I’m wrong but this deserves investigation. More in the comments but I’m tired of the support for people stabbing America in the back.


Susie Wiles (the #Trump2024 campaign manager, pac leader, gatekeeper to @realDonaldTrump & partner in Mercury LLC - a company representing Democrats Pfizer Gilead GAVI the UN Foundation & tied to the WEF) is apparently NOT the only person we need to be investigating around Trump. If #WeThePeople of MAGA want to win we need to help Trump drain the swamp around him. This is critical and systemic. Thank you Alex Jones for helping me get this out & keep an eye on @drdrew this evening for more.


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The COVID Fight: Why it Matters & Other Essays
In The COVID Fight: Why It Matters & Other Essays, Tom Renz exposes the darker facets of malfeasance during a time of pandemic crisis and informs the reader of the far-reaching consequences of unchecked fraud, compelling us to confront the reality of betrayal that extends beyond the pandemic's toll on public health.
CBDC's: Central Bank Digital Currency & Other Essays

In CBDCs: Central Digital Bank Currency & Other Essays Thomas Renz offers a cursory exploration of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), shedding light on their significance in the modern financial landscape. From explaining the general concept to investigating the potential socio-economic impact on readers, this book offers elementary insight into this emerging monetary paradigm.
modRNA: Why it Matters & Other Essays

In modRNA: Why It Matters & Other Essays, Attorney Thomas Renz delivers a wake-up call, exposing the potential catastrophes of introducing untested vaccines and gene therapies into the human food supply. With meticulous research this little book unravels the dark side of tinkering with the building blocks of life. Drawing on expert insights, it’s a stark reminder that the consequences of unregulated innovation can be catastrophic.

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April 16, 2024
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Cancer as Metabolic Disease

Thank you for joining me again as I continue to examine, without bias - the different theories on the origins, development and treatment of cancer. If you missed my previous Substacks in this cancer series, please feel free to check those out here and here.

Tom Renz’s Newsletter is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.



An increasingly popular, although admittedly not mainstream theory - is that cancer is a metabolic disease. This article is not intended to be a comprehensive presentation of the theory but intended to serve as a basic overview to introduce you to the subject. Much like the theory that some cancers are parasitic in nature, the idea that cancer is a metabolic disease - is not widely examined or acknowledged by the mainstream medical system. Outspoken advocates in support of the theory assert that this approach is not being recognized as an effective alternative to the radiation and chemotherapies that are currently being utilized - because there is little money to be made.

Chemotherapy and radiation bring in billions of dollars in revenue and some experts believe that the financial incentives to continue to recommend these treatments keep the scale tipped in their favor despite the fact that they are extremely toxic. One is a money generating approach, the other is not - so why would they engage in research that could potentially cut into (or decimate) the profits of a multibillion-dollar industry? Further, while chemo and radiation can be very effective, the side effects can cause a number of other issues including an increased likelihood of recurrence of cancer. Cancer does kill and chemo/radiation do frequently work well to stop it but what if there is another way that had fewer side effects? Drugs or supplements that could cure cancer without the need for other drugs to combat their side effects? It is certainly unseemly to discuss but it is inarguable that it would be a financial disaster for those making money from cancer if something like that were to become available.

Many physicians and oncologists are completely unfamiliar with the concept of cancer as a complex metabolic disease. It’s simply not taught, or it’s just dismissed outright. Most cancer research today is focused on gene mutations and the concept of “personalized medicine” in cancer involves the development of drugs and things like mRNA gene therapies. These gene therapies and drugs are being developed - presumably -to target specific mutations that are found in various tumors - with the hope of correcting the disease.

Some experts, like Dr. Thomas Seyfried will tell you that the problem with that is that there are thousands, possibly millions of mutations in tumor cells which makes targeting them a daunting task that comes with toxic adverse effects. Dr. Seyfried received his Ph.D. in Genetics and Biochemistry from the University of Illinois and boasts impressive credentials. He published Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer and in his book, Dr. Seyfried presents an alternative origin of cancer based on the theories of Dr. Otto Warburg, who found that the root cause of cancer is a combination of low cellular oxygenation (hypoxia) and acidosis. In his “On the Origins of Cancer Cells” publication Warburg summarized that “the cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar.” Normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs - in great part - by fermentation.

Warburg showed that cancer cells are fermenters of glucose. Dr. Seyfried expands on that theory and asserts that cancer is a disease of cellular metabolic dysfunction due to damaged mitochondria.


He claims that glucose is metabolized to the point of pyruvate which is then fermented. Almost all cancer cells have this property because tumor cells must ferment either glucose (or amnio acids like glutamine) for survival and growth since they are anaerobic and cannot survive without oxygen.

Dr. Seyfried concludes that cancer is not a genetic disease and that the mutations are merely ‘downstream epiphenomenon of damaged respiration’. Simply put, he asserts that the genetic mutations are red herrings caused by mitochondria that have suffered some sort of insufficiency or damage. If the mitochondria are healthy - you will not get cancer. Different chemicals, radiation, toxins, inflammation, hypoxia, viruses and inherited genes can damage functionality of mitochondria.

Cell Death & Disease published Hypoxia Regulates the Mitochondrial Activity of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells through HIF/HEY1/PINK1 Pathway’ and revealed the following:

“Hypoxia is commonly found in cancers. Hypoxia, due to the lack of oxygen (O2) as the electron recipient, causes inefficient electron transfer through the electron transport chain at the mitochondria leading to accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) which could create irreversible cellular damages.”

A 2023 review ‘Hypoxic Microenvironment in Cancer: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Interventions tells us that ‘hypoxia damages the cellular genome and drives carcinogenesis’.

“Hypoxia plays a central role in cancer progression and resistance to therapy by promoting various changes in the biology of stromal cells in the TME, including immune cells.”

Ask yourself, how much does genetic manipulation (gene therapy) affect the functionality of mitochondria? What is the effect of inserting experimental mRNA (modRNA) into the genes of the recipients and their offspring?

The metabolic theory of cancer claims glucose, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial health affect the onset and spread of the disease. In addition to pointing to new directions of research, Dr. Seyfried elaborates on a non-toxic mode of treatment, therapeutic fasting and a ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is a low carb/high fat diet and was originally used as one of the first treatments of epilepsy in children. The ketogenic diet (KD) capitalizes on the inability of the damaged cancer cell mitochondria to metabolize ketones, thus starving them while maintaining healthy cells.

Because cancer cells develop quickly on glucose and glutamine, it has been demonstrated that a ketogenic diet can effectively deprive malignant cells of glucose. Ketogenic diets have a fairly straightforward concept. In the simplest way I can explain it - if glucose serves as the main fuel for cancer, then reducing your consumption of carbohydrates and substituting them with other fuels, like fats, will force your body to enter a state of ketosis. Tumors that are fueled by glucose will have difficulty trying to compete with normal cells for the restricted source of glucose. Tumor cells can’t utilize the ketones for energy like the normal, healthy cells can. The body should be restricted from the primary fuels for the tumor while the body transitions to the ketones to fuel the body. Simply put, if you starve the malignant cells of its fuel, the theory is that it will kill tumor cells.


A paper published by Seyfried et al in BMC Press-pulse: A Novel Therapeutic Strategy for the Metabolic Management of Cancer’ concluded the following:

“Hyperbaric oxygen therapy combined with the calorie restricted ketogenic diet will kill tumor cells through apoptotic and anti-angiogenic mechanisms while also reducing inflammation in the tumor microenvironment and systemically.”

A 2021 NIH publication called ‘Ketogenic Diet in Cancer Prevention and Therapy: Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Opportunities’ documented the following:

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“The ketogenic diet (KD), a high-fat and very-low-carbohydrate with adequate amounts of protein, has shown antitumor effects by reducing energy supplies to cells. This low energy supply inhibits tumor growth, explaining the ketogenic diet’s therapeutic mechanisms in cancer treatment.”

A 2015 NIH study entitled ‘Non-Toxic Metabolic Management of Metastatic Cancer in VM Mice: Novel Combination of Ketogenic Diet, Ketone Supplementation, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy’ published some interesting findings.

“Mice receiving the combination therapy demonstrated a marked reduction in tumor growth rate and metastatic spread and lived twice as long as control animals. To further understand the effects of these metabolic therapies, we characterized the effects of high glucose (control), low glucose (LG), ketone supplementation (βHB), hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT), or combination therapy (LG+βHB+HBOT) on VM-M3 cells. Individually and combined, these metabolic therapies significantly decreased VM-M3 cell proliferation and viability. HBOT, alone or in combination with LG and βHB, increased ROS production in VM-M3 cells. This study strongly supports further investigation into this metabolic therapy as a potential non-toxic treatment for late-stage metastatic cancers.”

Drugs like Gleevec and Herceptin target the same metabolic pathway that the ketogenic diet does. The difference is - a ketogenic diet theoretically targets all cancers whereas the drug specific ones - target those pathways only in the individuals with that mutation. Some experts are asking - why use toxic drugs when there is another alternative to do the same thing without toxicity to the body? Why are we attempting to genetically modify people before we attempt something as simple as a ketogenic diet? Please note - these are the experts theories - I’ll get to my thoughts in a moment.

A 2021 NIH paper ‘Ketogenic Diet for Cancer: Critical Assessment and Research Recommendations’ summarizes the strength of evidence of beneficial effects of KD for cancer related outcomes in pre-clinical and clinical studies.

The paper lists the following research recommendations for clinical studies examining the effects of KD on cancer development and progression:

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  • Conduct small, rigorous non-randomized trials with homogeneous patient groups and common cancer sites to assess whether KD produces a “signal” on selected outcomes (particularly those related to response to standard care (e.g., effectiveness, side effects)) that would justify the conduct of larger, randomized-controlled trials.

  • In randomized-controlled trials, provide sufficient detail of the KD and control diets (ensuring that they are comparable on vitamins, mineral and other nutrients) so they could be replicated by other investigators.

  • Develop a standardized method to monitor and quantify adherence and tolerance to the KD.

  • Develop a set of standardized assessments and outcome measures that include the full array of relevant variables (e.g., imaging of tumor characteristics, body composition, quality of life, and survival).

  • Distinguish trials based on whether they attempt to isolate the unique effects of KD versus those which seek to estimate its effects as an adjunctive therapy.

  • Examine the effects of exogenous ketones, alone and in conjunction with a KD, to determine whether they have synergistic or additive effects.

  • Because it is unlikely that KD will cure cancer, trials should focus on whether KD reduces cancer progression or recurrence in those who experience remission through standard care.

It’s worth asking - is progress is not being made in regard to curing cancer because they’re focusing on the wrong things?

Ultimately I believe the metabolic theory, much like the parasitic theory of cancer makes sense but probably does not explain every cancer, nor would it fix every cancer. The reason I say this is that I do not believe we are still dealing with cancer as a natural phenomenon. Cancer as a genetic issue certainly appears credible in many cases. I think many of these cancers stemming from genetic mutations will eventually be understood to have come from the poisons we are putting in our systems today; poisons that did not exist centuries ago.

The mRNA poisons are a great example. These gene therapy poisons and many other things we are putting in our body have a substantial impact on the genetic material and the functionality of our cells. Radiation can cause cellular mutation and every single radio signal and cellular tower in this country emit low levels of radiation and we have not properly studied their cancer causing potential. Modern life is full of things that may account for a major increase in cancer that is truly based on genetic mutation rather than a parasite or metabolic issue… or maybe these things contribute to metabolic issues in some way.

After researching and putting out these articles on cancer and causes I frankly am at the point I believe all three major theories of cancer seem credible. I am also appalled to see that only one of them is studied and that is the theory that makes the money. If we want to understand cancer we need to start by getting money out of the picture. Cancer kills and should not be political and should not be about money - but it is. I think it may be time we do something about that… more to come.

If you’d like to hear more on cancer as a metabolic disease the FLCCC Alliance published a webinar with Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Thomas Seyfried that you can watch here.

“Billions spent on novel gene-targeting cancer drugs provide a chance to live only 2.4-months longer!”

Dr. Thomas Seyfried


  1. Clinical Trial Evidence Supporting US Food and Drug Administration Approval of Novel Cancer Therapies Between 2000 and 2016 - PubMed (

  2. Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer: 9780470584927: Medicine & Health Science Books 

  3. Cancer: An Unbiased Overview in Preparation for Our Upcoming War on Cancer (

  4. Mitochondria - Definition, Function & Structure | Biology Dictionary

  5. Home - Thomas Seyfried (

  6. Cancer as A Metabolic Disease - FLCCC Alliance (

  7. Hypoxia regulates the mitochondrial activity of hepatocellular carcinoma cells through HIF/HEY1/PINK1 pathway | Cell Death & Disease (

  8. HIF-1α-induced expression of m6A reader YTHDF1 drives hypoxia-induced autophagy and malignancy of hepatocellular carcinoma by promoting ATG2A and ATG14 translation | Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy (

  9. Press-pulse: a novel therapeutic strategy for the metabolic management of cancer | Nutrition & Metabolism | Full Text (

  10. Non-Toxic Metabolic Management of Metastatic Cancer in VM Mice: Novel Combination of Ketogenic Diet, Ketone Supplementation, and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - PMC (

  11. Ketogenic Diet in Cancer Prevention and Therapy: Molecular Targets and Therapeutic Opportunities - PMC (

  12. chemotherapy-spreading-cancer-pdf.pdf (

  13. Johns Hopkins Medicine Celebrates Its Contributions to Keto Therapy as Diet Turns 100 | Johns Hopkins Medicine

  14. Gleevec: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects -

  15. Ketogenic Diet for Cancer: Critical Assessment and Research Recommendations - PMC (

  16. Herceptin (Trastuzumab): Side Effects, How it Works, and More (

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