Watch the full episode of The Tom Renz Show with Jovan Pulitzer here:

"The Judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court is Reversed."
In a stunning display of impartiality some of us never expected, the Supreme Court of the United States unanimously decided against the Supreme Court of Colorado in their decision to remove Donald Trump from the states ballot. This ruling applies to other states attempting to take Trump off the 2024 ballot as well. Shockingly, even the left came down on the right side. All nine members of the court agreed that states do not have the authority to keep a candidate off a federal ballot.
From the opinion:
“This case raises the question whether the States, in addition to Congress, may also enforce Section 3. We conclude that States may disqualify persons holding or attempting to hold state office. But States have no power under the Constitution to enforce Section 3 with respect to federal offices, especially the Presidency,” the ruling reads.
“For the reasons given, responsibility for enforcing Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates rests with Congress and not the States. The judgment of the Colorado Supreme Court therefore cannot stand,” the opinion adds.
‘Such power over governance, however, does not extend to federal officeholders and candidates. Because federal officers “‘owe their existence and functions to the united voice of the whole, not of a portion, of the people,’” powers over their election and qualifications must be specifically “delegated to, rather than reserved by, the States. Nothing in the Constitution delegates to the States any power to enforce Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates.’
Let’s be clear, this case was not about whether Donald Trump was guilty of ‘insurrection’, it was a matter of states rights vs federal rights. What we had, was a state saying a person was ineligible to run for President because they didn’t like what they allege he did. He was never charged with or found guilty of insurrection. At best, all they had was the corrupt J6 committee led by the swampiest rats in D.C. It’s not hyperbolic to say that ‘obstruction of justice’ was the underlying theme of the kangaroo court style proceedings. Evidence was deleted both before and after the hearings - 117 encrypted files were deleted by the corrupt committee just before Republicans took over the House on Jan 3, 2023. A PBS documentary revealed that the J6 Committee was a publicity stunt meant to manipulate Americans.
To be clear - I am not a tremendous fan of putting even more power in the hands of the federal government but I do agree with the outcome. This ruling was by no means perfect - remember that all these rulings cut both ways and the shoe may be on the other foot someday, but I am very glad for the outcome.
Cue Liberal Tears
This stunning rebuke of Colorados attempt to influence a federal election, was a breath of fresh air for those of us that have witnessed political bias in the courts and increased weaponization of the justice system. While the left completely melted down, conservatives applauded the court’s decision. Conservatives understand that we cannot have states denying a candidate their place on a federal ballot simply because they don’t like what they say he did. It is fun to consider, though. Imagine if red states could simply leave Resident Biden off the ballot over what was revealed in Ashley Biden’s diary. It doesn’t matter if he was never charged, tried and convicted of any wrongdoing - because we’re supposed to ‘believe women’, right?
If any liberals are reading this right now - please explain to me who’s included as ‘women’ in those scenarios? Explain it to me slowly, as if I was really, really stupid.
If gender is a social construct but anyone can be a woman - but no uterus no opinion- but trans women are women but ‘all men are rapists’ and drag queens are beautiful, but appropriation is evil … who are the ‘women’ we should be believing? Do we believe the ‘women’ with uteruses or the ones with penises? If all men are rapists but men can be women - should we believe the bearded ‘women’ with penises and testicles that get naked in front of children and ‘chest feeders’ in women’s locker rooms or not? Are they only ‘rapists’ on days they identify as male? What magic removes the ‘danger’ from men when they put on a dress and call themselves a woman?
It’s okay if you can’t explain it - no one else seems to be able to either. Regardless my digression, the court was able to rule definitively in this case -which sent the liberal pundits spiraling and calling for the dissolution of the Supreme Court.
“The Supreme Court has betrayed democracy,” Keith Olbermann wrote in a post on X. “Its members including Jackson, Kagan and Sotomayor have proved themselves inept at reading comprehension. And collectively the ‘court’ has shown itself to be corrupt and illegitimate. It must be dissolved.”

Someone please tell Colorado Attorney and Secretary of State Jenna “Crazy Eyes” Griswold that it’s not how that works. The Supreme court did not ‘strip the states of authority to enforce Section 3 of the 14th Amendment for federal candidates’ - they never had the authority to do so! You can’t ‘strip away’ a right that was never there and all the court did was remind them of that.
“Nothing in the Constitution delegates to the States any power to enforce Section 3 against federal officeholders and candidates.”

Cry harder, Crazy Eyes Griswold.
Jovan Hutton Pulitzer: 2020 Election Discoveries
At the core of it - using the wrong words in the filings was detrimental to the efforts of attorneys attempting to use the courts to remedy the election fraud. Using words like ‘fraud’ instead of ‘mal administration’ can make the case go sideways. Using the word ‘fraud’ when it was not declared by the Governor, the Secretary of State, or the state Attorney General affects the case jurisdiction. To be fair, there were no lawyers trained on this sort of thing. There was no guidebook on what to do - it was pure trial by fire.
It was a learning process that uncovered numerous instances of fraud and methods used. It was discovered that signature match was virtually impossible because voter record files were untrustworthy. Instead of one signature on file - the one you registered with - we learned that signatures continue to be added to the voter file. You know that little, tiny box signature box you sign in at the DMV? No matter what you do that signature never comes out right and always ends up looking like a scribble. Some people just mark “X” to avoid the frustration that comes with it. That “X” counts as your signature. Disturbingly, if your signature has been forged - the forged signature also counts. Jovan alleges there is proof that county employees were forging signatures as some were very distinct.
In Maricopa County over 274k ballot signatures were approved by multiple individuals in less than 3 seconds each. At least one individual had a 100% acceptance rate.
Maricopa County Election Director admitted that employees are able to log in and perform signature verifications from home.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Political Espionage & Personal Responsibility
The sad reality is that the voting machines couldn’t have accomplished ‘the steal’ on their own. The machines didn’t orchestrate the delivery of 288 thousand ballots from out of state in the middle of the night. The machines didn’t shut down counting on election night, claiming a pipe burst. Espionage occurs at every level in society, including politics. Especially politics. There are RINO Swamp Rats within the GOP masquerading as conservatives. They’ve been taught how to ‘speak conservative’ in order to take Republican spots within government - ensuring a Uniparty system. We see a clear division within the GOP when Freedom Caucus members are attacked by other ‘republicans’. In a Uniparty system, we’re left with two options: bad or worse.
There is only so much we can blame on the Swamp Rats, though - personal accountability needs to be acknowledged. The sad fact is, very few people actually do their research into a candidate before throwing support behind them. They tend to fall for the things they say - without examining their affiliations (past & present) and the things they do. Gone are the days when we can simply afford to vote for someone because we like what they said. You can’t be pretend to be shocked at the duplicitous behavior of RINOS - when all you had to do is look at their voting records or donors to see exactly who they are. Follow the money. If they’re affiliated with the WEF or UN and backed by megadonors - they’re probably not working for We The People.
Now more than ever people need to audit candidates thoroughly. For those in office, this is simple. Look at their voting record and see if it lines up with their stated party. You can’t be mad at someone for turning out to be a snake if the evidence was always very clear that they were never who they claimed to be.

As you can see, Kentucky seems to be infested with RINOS with Rep. DeWeese only voting conservative about 40% of the time. That should tell you it’s time to look and see where his money is coming from. Who’s he really working for? Take responsibility and control back at a local level. Local action has national impact. If everyone fixes their own city, in their own state - we fix the whole country. It’s that simple. We cannot move forward until this happens.
Importing New Democrat Voters
I’m just going to touch briefly on this topic as I’ll have a more in-depth presentation on this for you shortly. It’s no secret that Trump has gained in popularity within the black and Hispanic communities. Democrats are losing their voters now more than ever and Trumps win is so sure it is beginning to look like they may not be able to “credibly” steal the 2024 election. The steal has to be believable in order to keep all hell from breaking loose and the left is up you-know-what-creek without a paddle.
So, what does the O’Biden regime do? Flood the border with new Democrat voters! What we have happening at our border is nothing less than treason. Military aged men from other countries are being incentivized (at taxpayer expense) to cross our border illegally. They are being shipped strategically across our nation, bypassing security measures and travel requirements that citizens must abide by. Chinese nationals are the fastest growing group crossing the border and they’re being given the right to vote in our federal elections - even though they are not citizens of this country and are here in violation of our immigration laws.
A country cannot stand long this way - this is how a country dies. The time for blaming anyone other than ourselves -is over. This is a ‘you’ problem and a ‘me’ problem. We are the cure. We are the solution. The key to successful tyranny is convincing people they have no power - it’s time to take our power back.

BREAKING: Supreme Court Puts Trump Back on Colorado Ballot - UNANIMOUS DECISION - Trump Responds | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila
EXCLUSIVE: NY State GOP Chairman Ed Cox EXPOSED! GOP Leader is a Progressive Green New Deal DOUBLE AGENT Who Hand Picks Bad Republican Candidates to LOSE to his Commie Pals! — We have the Receipts! | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Ingrassia
23-719_19m2.pdf (supremecourt.gov)
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Tom Renz – Renz is an Attorney, Analyst, and commentator. You can follow his substack at www.TomRenz.SubStack.com and his work generally at www.TomRenz.com. He also has a GiveSendGo to support his work at https://www.givesendgo.com/RENZLAW.
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