This is a personal Substack and based on several social media posts that I think are important enough to address in an article. These all revolve around faith, freedom and Trump and are critical to the election this fall. As you read, please consider that I write this from the perspective of a sinner. I’m not Jesus, not even close, and am pretty sure no one reading this is. Unless you are Jesus - or a LOT closer than I am - please read it from that perspective.
Today in the Daily Mail there was an article about “CalendarGate” - which is a stupid name for a stupid non-issue. The article was about an apparent rift amongst religious supporters of the freedom movement that are apparently mad at people like Riley Gains and Dana Loesch for being part of a beer calendar for Ultra Right Beer where they were too provocative for some people. The article includes the following pic of the calendar:

You can find the article here:
None of these pics are worse than what you see at a beach or in many other places around the nation. In fact, these pics are extremely mild compared to what I saw the last time I was in Miami, Las Vegas, or a number of other places. Regardless, apparently some people have an issue with this calendar and the article specifically mentions Allie Beth Stuckey who I have never heard of but assume is a good person. That said the article also includes this picture of her:

Jenna Ellis - who for the record I also respect and appreciate - also grumbled about the calendar. Here is the profile pic of Jenna from X:

I have no issue with any of the pics above but they all have something in common (including each of the calendar pics). In each pic you have a woman dressed up, wearing makeup, with hair done, and all probably include some filtering. So my question is why is it wrong for Dana to stand fully dressed with guns and Riley to wear a swimsuit (which she wore as a college athlete), but there’s no problem with Allie being done up wearing tight fitting leatherish pants or Jenna being all done up to look good? Why is it that in one case the ladies are promoting lust and in the other they are good Christians?
This is a question of limits and freedom. Jenna and Allie apparently have an issue with these pics being in a calendar because they are “not Christian” but do not seem to mind doing the same thing in a different context? Jenna and Allie are claiming that the calendar was crossing some kind of line but this is akin to saying abortion is murder after 3 months but not before. Why not after 2 months right?
The simple reality is that if life does not begin at conception everything else is arbitrary nonsense and the entire calendar argument fails for the same reason. If Jenna and Allie want to be offended by the calendar without being disingenuous then they would need to recognize that they are creating just as much lust posting done-up pics of themselves in tight fitting clothes. If this calendar (which has nothing close to nudity) is offensive then to prevent a logical failure they would need to accept that they are guilty of the same crime. Either they believe all conservative women should be in loose fitting clothing covering neck to ankle without makeup or hair or they are simply picking an arbitrary line by picking on a lady wearing jeans a t-shirt and carrying guns while justifying themselves.
This judgey hypocrisy is the reason so many people have issues with some of the best Christians out there. The better the Christian the less tolerant he or she seems to get which is kinda the opposite of what Christ taught - he ate dinner and hung out with the hookers and tax collectors because it was the “sick that needed healing” rather than the well.
I disagree with this approach. I’m an apologetic sinner but my hope for forgiveness for my sins is to Christ alone - NOT to any man or woman. I also am far more comfortable with others that recognize their own sinful nature than the self-righteous that seem to forget the importance of casting out the mote in their own eye before worrying about the gleam in their neighbor’s. To me an apologetic sinner is better than a self-proclaimed saint any day and I’m standing by that.
Enter Trump and freedom. The most compelling evangelism comes from forgiveness. We all sin and we all need Christ’s forgiveness but Christ’s forgiveness comes only when it is freely sought - no one will ever be forgiven if it does not come from within and shaming or forcing someone into it just doesn’t work. Freedom leads to good and bad but is ultimately what God chose for all mankind or he would not have left the single most important choice in life to individuals - whether to have faith or not.
To that extent the best we can do is to promote freedom and model the best life possible without ostracizing others through hypocrisy or by demanding more than people can give. In a world where we are tolerating sex trafficking with impunity and porn in school libraries, a calendar with fully dressed ladies that are barely even provocatively placed is so low on the list off offensive things it simply stands out as an example of why the left has been able to demonize “Christian Nationals” despite the fact that both Christianity and nationalism are good for the country.
On a different but related note, I want to mention President Trump. If you follow me you know I’m supporting Trump for president. A LOT of people have asked me how I can support Trump despite my profound disagreement with him on the jabs. I reposted and commented on this post from Trump here:

My comment was: A LOT of people have asked me why I support @realDonaldTrump despite our MASSIVE difference of opinion on the poisonous jabs… this is the answer. I’m not looking for a perfect man because until Jesus comes back I won’t find him. Rather, I’m looking for a man confident enough to lead but humble enough to recognize he’s not infallible. I believe he will get right on the jabs but have seen what he does in other areas when he KNOWS the truth.
I can and will fight him or anyone else on these poisons if I have to but I do believe he’s the best man for the job. If I find reason to think otherwise I’ll let you know but I’m absolutely #Trump2024 #AmericaFirst #MAGA.
Trump reposted this video of the good Pastor Mark Burns in which he acknowledged that we are all sinful (including Trump) but that forgiveness is divine. I liked this a lot and am hopeful that Trump feels this way. The best parts about Trump are that does not come from politics and is a fighter. Together these things make him defensive and willing to fight for what he believes to be right. My hope is he realizes soon (if he hasn’t already) that the jabs are poison and that his advisors on this should universally be fired. Regardless, he is great on most other issues and if he maintains this type of mindset he will eventually do what is right on this issue.
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